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Monday, September 19, 2016

Keep Movin'

I love the song 'Movin' by T Mac.  It gets me going like nothing else and I need a little of that this am. 
To tag onto my last entry in August, I'll explain Missing Pages.
I journal...mostly uncomfortable feelings and relationship difficulties.  My journals are paper by the way.  Sometimes the writing gets raw and I cringe knowing of the possibility that someone may read them - so I rip out the page.  Hence - Missing Pages.

I get weary of editing my life like ripping out my journal pages - don't you?  But folks who always wear their troubles on their sleeves and let them fall out of their mouths every time you are together gets tiresome.  But is there a place for raw feelings without all the filters and edits?

The other side of the coin are the nice people who never have a bad word or thought that comes out of their hearts and mouths.  And we know that the scriptures say that the heart is desperately wicked; whatever comes out of the mouth starts in the heart.  No one is exempt from that.

Balance is what is needed and thinking of the other person in the conversation before ourselves!

When I talked with my adult children about the premise of Missing Pages book, my oldest first comment was, "I don't want to be labeled a troubled person."  So we talked about how he felt about being part of the book.  Would he like to contribute his side of the story?  They all said yes.

This winter will provide more time indoors to reach out to solicit your stories of difficult relationships with your adult children.

Until next time, keep journaling!