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Monday, October 23, 2023

Adventure Calls


A variety of changes, that I name adventures, call us 'further up and further in'.

I thought we had ten grandchildren, until...a phone conversation with one of our children. They revealed a situation they recently found out about their estranged sibling. Our estranged child is supporting a third child we knew nothing about. Finding out secondhand about major events in their life saddens me, their choice, not mine. 

I found out on my entry into my seventh decade. Happy Birthday, me! No self-pity here, though. The news has more to do with our child's struggle than mine. But I can't help but wonder what their child looks like, how old they are, do they like music, do they have a step-parent raising them? My comfort lays with the certainty that God knows every hair on their head. Once again, I give Him my sadness and our eleventh grandchild.

When we joined a large non-denominational church, our desire to serve God and be available for the needs of people came to leadership's notice. They identified some skills and traits in us that would fit with a need to care for people experiencing life's difficulties; a divorce, death, illness, hospitalization, etc. The ministry is slowly getting started. A few requests are coming in from our head pastor which he funnels to the care ministry - us. Do we feel equipped? No. Is God fully able to equip us? Absolutely. Will we build a team of folks who desire to serve and care for people? Yes, by God's grace.

A new pole building went up to shelter our tractor, implements, trailer and other stuff around the place.

Have I told you lately that I love our retirement to East Central Tennessee?  It's the friends, the milder weather and the onset of FALL; pumpkin spice everything, bonfires, vibrant golds, oranges and reds in the trees, sweaters and warm covers, and boots & line dancing. I am not taking a shower twice a day!

I am curious. What changes are you facing? Are you a pumpkin spice person? What season trips your emotional trigger? Would love to hear from you!  

"There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:"

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Of Trees and Deer

In the stony area of Cumberland Plateau in southeast Tennessee, trees grow roots down until they hit rock at four to six feet. They spread under the shallow surface to lengths of 50-60 feet. We lost one large tree that fell during a storm in the middle of the night, parallel to our deck. Only ten feet away. The whomp when it hit the ground woke me up. That was a close call.

Our new house is surrounded by several acres of old and venerable trees that have populated our acreage for sixty-plus years, shedding limbs and providing shade but not falling on our house. My dear husband's wisdom says, "That large tree is tipping towards the house. It needs to come down." 

So we negotiate until I see his logic of removal.

Out come the tractor, winches, pulleys, cables, chains, chainsaw, and ax, tools to take down trees and uproot their massive stumps. Mostly, I nervously stay in the house, waiting for the whomp of the downed tree. Sometimes, he calls me outside to consult a course of action--moral support, I think. As I stand by while he takes the tree down, I pray. No injuries yet, only sore muscles the next day.  

Several long-lived oaks and pines are down to make room for an equipment shelter and shed. More sunshine floods an area where I plan to plant wildflowers that need full sun. A fire pit is on the landscaping plans. We look forward to gathering friends and neighbors for campfire stories and s'mores, maybe a hot dog or two.

DH's next task, after the tree does a whomp bounce, is to cut it into sections that the tractor can move. Brush piles galore lie behind our house that will eventually make it to a burn pile or wood to be split and seasoned. 

The leaves remain green on the ground for a few days before they whither and turn brown. One morning, I finished making our bed and then crossed in front of my bedroom window, looking out at the tree pile. Movement caught the corner of my eye. With wonder, I watched the first young deer approach the green leaves within nibbling height. Then its twin walked out of the forest. I could hardly breathe when a third youngling came out to get a green leaf snack. Triplets. Then, their beautiful doe-mama cautiously approached the open area while I stood still. 

That morning, I received the incredible gift of the doe bringing her three babies for a green leaf buffet they could reach because of the downed trees. A magical moment of redemption and a glimpse of God's provision for his people and creation.

What is your magical summer memory? 

Friday, September 1, 2023


Differences make good friends. Similar interests make good friends. Going through hardship makes good friends. Laughing makes good friends. 

Serving one another and thinking of their needs before your own, bands you together. We have friends named John and Pat. They don't know how uniquely gifted they are. Pat shares her life, horses, enthusiasm for line dancing, and Jesus with her friends. And all these things are no big deal to her. Her high standards expect that everyone will do the same in return. Sometimes, she is disappointed with others because she doesn't expect selfishness or meanness. That gets her riled. And so it should.

As a new transplant in Tennessee, we started attending a large church. One of the first things we looked for was a small mid-week Bible study. We found Pat and John's group on our church website and arranged to meet them after service. I described myself as tall, with red glasses and white hair. 

The first thing Pat said to me as she looked at my hair was, "You don't have white hair."

"But I have red glasses." Pat is plain-spoken, I speak with more grace. We learn from each other.

I love horses. Pat and John have four great horses that they freely share with people. After riding Doc around in their enclosure, Pat and John don't realize what a soul-satisfying gift they gave me. They assume that others are unselfish with their possessions.

We had a tough first year of retirement adjustment with many changes and a significant housing disappointment. John and Pat prayed for us and supported us. This year has been a tough year for physical challenges for them. Their uncomplaining nature and faith in God's plan for their lives are an example to many people. 

Laughing and creating fun together is their superpower. It's a powerful adhesive that bonds our friendship. 

They aren't perfect, but they are dearly loved by their heavenly Father and me. And the best thing is, they aren't aware of how unusual their friendship is. They just live life and make others' lives better by knowing them. That's true friendship.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Refresh 2023

In August 2016, I launched my first blog post here at Journal Missing Pages. I wrote: 

    "Did I type the word book?  This book project has been years in the making, getting stalled by my fliberty-gibbet nature some would call undisciplined. THE. BOOK. That's how scary it sounds in my mind; this is a huge undertaking for a non-writer."

    Seven years later, I am a published author, having completed Missing Pages: A Common Woman's Search for God's Hope Through Fractured Relationships by Nina Frost-Teller.  I chose to use a pen name and change the names of everyone at the request of my children. 

    Throughout the long writing journey, I learned compassion for my children who had been through hell and back, and compassion for myself, imperfect and still loved by my heavenly Father.

    I learned that our world is full of books and other well-written stories, and we don't need one more. But the world doesn't have my story. And that's why I plugged away, revision upon revision, wondering why I was driving myself and my DH (dear hubby) crazy with all the angst and drama. 

    Then we retired to the south. In the first year, our dream plans for a geodesic dome home fell through and we found ourselves living in a warehouse that had an attached 900 sq ft three-room apartment. Writing in the kitchen 10 ft off a busy road aptly named Rock Quarry Rd, noisy with dump truck traffic, was challenging, to say the least. I learned perseverance. Then our beloved Corgi, Jade, died. And I grieved with surprising heaviness.

In the second year, we found a skilled contractor who built us what we needed--a beautiful ranch on our four acres. We moved in five months ago. I still pinch myself that I live among God's green beauty in a friendly, caring subdivision. 

    Just yesterday, I watched the hummingbirds come and go, feeding and playing tag with dizzying speed. I stood up meaning to go inside but one was at the feeder. As I stood still, the beauty flew towards me, stopped and hovered. I heard the low-pitched hum of its wings and saw the iridescent green body and red neck ring. I stopped breathing. It flew two feet closer, curious about the tall bushy-haired object in front of it. Was I a bush, with strange bark? Amazingly, Red the Buzzer (yes, I named him), advanced two more feet and stopped. We were head to head only three feet apart. We were frozen.
    As if it was thanking me for its sustenance, I said out loud, "You are very welcome friend."
And then it buzzed off. I stood still, caught up in a moment of intense gratitude for the gift of one so small. 

    As readers contact me with affirming comments, I am captured by God's goodness and faithfulness for Missing Pages. Intense gratitude!

Readers comment:

"Oh my goodness! Just started reading this and don't want to stop! This is the story of many of us in so many ways." ~K.

“It [Missing Pages} is hitting on so many levels and it’s so relatable to so many. I knew I wasn’t alone. I’ve cried more times than I can count. All I can say is thank you for this. I needed to hear everything that was spoken. I'm not alone in the world of parenting! Praise Jesus!  ~T.

"Yes, I would recommend the book to others. I believe that [other] women could benefit from it. The things that they go through in life with family and all the issues that go with it. Mine stopped many years ago. And I keep boundaries set and I continue to grow in Jesus." ~B.

(Caution: Shameless plug) Do you want to join other readers in our Missing Pages community? Follow the link. And thank you from my intensely grateful heart. Happy Reading!

Missing Pages 

Nancy / Nina