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Thursday, November 14, 2019


A new member of the family born just weeks ago is a joy to hold, cuddle and watch over.  After a short drive west, I can be available to help...and cuddle.  There is nothing like a new grand baby.  I am thankful for his parents and his little life.  They do grow up quick.  You know they do.

Sometimes even in the joy, we face difficulties...for some, severe difficulties that are an unexpected forks in the road.  How do we get back to joy?  Recount the past joys and family connections.  Endure the difficulties that may not make sense right now.

Our grandchildren take us back to our children in memory.  My kids graciously listen to me tell about their cute and not so cute babyhood.  The sleepless nights, the unending crying, the sickness then that first grin, a first gaze that seems to indicate they know you.  How do you assure a new parent that THIS stage that is difficult will end and go into THAT next stage?  How do you encourage them to maintain hope in that new-baby-sleep-deprived state?

Words don't work but a hug and an "I love you" does.  Many "I love you's".  Help them return to joy so they can enjoy their children, as you enjoyed yours.

It is worth it all!
Nancy B

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

This cute corgi, Jade, teaches me.  We had had our park walk then I stopped by the office.  This is what I was met with returning to the car.  In the front seat...ready to go home, probably for lunch!  This girl lives for food. So cute.

I took on an additional activity that crowds out time to write.  It was a purposeful decision that has me questioning whether Missing Pages book will ever be finished, let alone come to first draft.  

A handy Christian excuse concerns God's timing.  "Maybe it's not His timing", I think.  Well, maybe it is and I am doing what I do when faced with a hard thing; finding something new and exciting to take up my time.  Then I have a convenient excuse.  

Am I waiting for creative explosion to surge through my brain and writing will become effortless?  In what universe do I live?  Writing is hard, boring hard.  Corgi waiting for a meal is hard.  But she trusts me to get her home, put the food in the bowl so she can have a full stomach.  

Do I trust God in the waiting, hard times?  Trusting him looks like going to the computer, opening a book chapter that needs edits and just doing it.  Every day...for weeks... until that first draft is done.

God, forgive me for confusing your timing and patience for a license to procrastinate.
Help me to write every day for the glory of Your story.

Nancy B

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Serving in Obscurity

I find that as I get older life gets busier.  Yes, I volunteer for many of the activities I am involved in; my choice, my busy-ness.  How do I think about this brisk pace?  Positively and without regret...most of the time.  The phrase I 'heard' from my Heavenly Father in our car-talk was, "Serve in obscurity".

...the state of being unknown, inconspicuous, or unimportant.

If I complain about the pace of life and grumble about being stressed and tired from responsibilities, then I am not serving in obscurity.

Serving in obscurity doesn't mean showing your husband your half page of 'to do's' for the day.  It does not mean tooting your own horn when you make connections with friends who needed that word of encouragement.  And certainly not moving the conversation to yourself when you aren't asked.  All of which I do on a regular basis.  How about you?

Jesus served in obscurity.  

After Jesus's glorious transfiguration witnessed by Peter, James and John, Mark 9:9 states,  "As they were coming down from the mountain, He gave them orders not to relate to anyone what they had seen, until the Son of Man rose from the dead."

Who does that?  Jesus did.  

He warned his disciples as the time for his arrest and crucifixion neared.  He knew the suffering and glory ahead of Him.  Yet this...

His disciples knew where he was headed but argued about which of them was the greatest among his chosen twelve.  Not serving in obscurity.  Absolutely not.  And this...

"From there they (Jesus and His disciples) went out and began to go through Galilee, and He did not want anyone to know about it."  Mark 9:30.

Jesus served in obscurity.  How much more should I?

Teach me, Lord, for I am needy and insecure.  I don't know how to conduct myself in this world.  You are my Savior, my King - the One I turn to for ALL things in life and death.  Thank you for Your example of serving in obscurity.  Amen!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Search for the perfect pancake

My engineer husband has been on a quest for the perfect pancake for many years.

Sunday morning is pancake breakfast at our house.  I get treated to his experiments with all kinds of ingredients.  Who would have known that amaranth is a grain?  He does.  As we come to the table with piping hot cakes made from scratch, some offerings are lamented over and some are a cause for celebration.  This morning our full tummies told us a story of success after many Sundays of woe.  Soggy in the middle but crisp on the outside.

He enjoys approaching pancake making with a scientific approach involving whole grains and grinding them at the time of preparation in his own grain mill.  He also turns out wonderful bread.  We could never go "keto"!

Another beneficiary of his pancakes is Jade the Corgi.  She takes her place by my dining chair ahead of time just within my view.  So much patience is such a little package until a few bites are handed over.  Looks like love to her.

I thoroughly enjoy his Sunday morning ritual.  With our 40th anniversary coming in November, I hope to enjoy this for many more years to come.

Would you like to share a favorite ritual or tradition with me?  I'd love to hear from you.

So much love and full tummies,
Nancy B

PS (retraction) Did you know that Amaranth is a seed not a grain?  Thank my engineer husband for that nugget.  He's a jewel!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Dreams Exposed

I really don't want to write about bad dreams that expose uncomfortable emotions, especially anger.  To be honest, anger disturbs me on a deep level.  This blog is about vulnerable writing and making connections with others who struggle as I do.  To that end, let me write, you read and we'll get along.

Anger and I have a long and difficult relationship.  It keeps coming back and I keep shoving it away, burying it deeply so that only dreams expose baser feelings.  The object of my anger usually doesn't make much sense. You know how dreams are.  Real people morph into monsters or silly cartoonist clowns and animals just when you are trying to get serious with them.  

In the early hours, I wake struggling for breath as if my anger is suffocating me.  My jaw hurts from being clenched and my head sometimes pound from the tension of living out in my dreams what I would like to say and do in reality.  Guess I am too nice of a person after all...if only.

They also expose my fear of men who abuse and dominate or ignore me.  The man in my dream was a friend who has a strong personality, which I appreciate and admire.  He cares deeply about others, has a charismatic love for Jesus that is expressed in winsome ways with strangers.  He really cares if you are headed for hell. Frankly, some of us don't.

Anyway... In my dream, he was unpleasant and disparaging.  I was doing dishes, he started criticizing me and I took some breakable cups I was washing and slammed them in the sink shattering them all.  As they shatter, my anger reaches an apex and I stormed out of the room running right into my husband.  He demands that I go back in and apologize.  It is all so unfair, so I woke angry, hot and starving. 

Husband made me scrambled eggs with cheese and treats me with his usual kindness.  The anger is draining away from a rolling boil to a slow simmer. I thank God every day for a kind man who is patient with my ups and downs.

As I ask God what I need to know about these anger dreams, this one being the second in a couple of weeks, Ephesians 4:26 comes to mind.  "Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger."  What a relief to remember that my anger is not sin, it is simply an emotion, albeit a powerful one.  The important part is what I do with my anger.  Do I hold onto it, help it propel me to conclusions that justify my less than loving thoughts and actions?  Or do I deal with it with God, Who knows me through and through?  As I read the context and the verses around 26, they add some illumination to these thoughts.

"Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor, for we are members of one another. Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity."  Ephesians 4: 25-27 NASB

At the point of anger rising, more and more I must choose to speak truth to my neighbor, who at times may be my enemy.  But the timing of speaking truth is critical.  I literally cannot respond in the heat of anger, because my words and judgement are clouded to the point of not being able to think straight.  Like my dream, something will shatter and be irreparable.  But in God's timing, His perfect timing, a response could heal a rift.  An untimely response makes things worse.  It could stir up more anger giving the devil an opportunity to play in his favorite playground of our pride and self justification when we are angry.

Do you have an angry rift in a relationship, dreams that wake you breathless and a mad that carries you through the day?  Be angry, be indignant, be heartbroken but don't carry it.  Reach out to God that has wisdom and compassion for you and the injuring party.  Maybe you, like me, are the injuring party.  You have said hurtful words to someone in anger or disappointment.  Again, reach out, talk to God.  After all, He sent His Son, Jesus, to an angry world that rejected Him.  As God has forgiven us, we can forgive and ask for forgiveness.  

I have a task this morning.  To speak the truth. I can feel the temperature inside cooling off as I write.  Take hope from my little blog that you can turn your wrath into words of healing and calm.  Ask God how and when!

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."  Proverbs 15:1

Go gently,
Nancy B

Sunday, July 28, 2019


Being uncertain about the future can translate into worry and anxiety quickly.  There is an exponential element in that translation as you get older.  In a given situation, I move to worry much faster now than I did as a young woman.  Life has taught me many lessons about how situations can move from great to tragic...quickly.

When it comes to family relationships, I am sensitive to my adult children's rejection.  It has happened before but not to the painful degree experienced in the last two months.  I have lived with uncertainty regarding this relationship before, for many years.  But this break feels so final.  I was told that they didn't think they could have a relationship with such an unhealthy person.

Since being cut out of their life, I have been reading the Psalms.  This has been my prayer for my end of this painful split.
"Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way (way of pain) in me; And lead me in the everlasting way."  Psalm 139: 23 & 24

Have I caused this child pain in their life? Absolutely!  Perfect parent is an oxymoron.  But unhealthy mentally and emotionally?  Not now, not anymore.  God has been faithful to search out those 'ways of pain' in me.  As I have been obedient to listen to Him, receive His love and care for my broken heart, health and healing have been gracious companions.

So what's the problem?  Go back to the first paragraph.  As I wait in uncertainty for reconciliation, I fight against worry and anxiety.  A few weeks ago, I woke up with a nightmare of this child being buried alive.  I couldn't save them.  The horror of that dream scene stayed with me all day.  As I went about my day, I would be overwhelmed with anxiety and worry about their life.  In those moments, I would cup my hands in front of me, close my eyes and say out loud, "They are Your child, O Lord, and they always were, always are and always will be. I place them again in Your loving hands."

Casting my cares on the Lord in a demonstrative way diminished the worry over my much loved child in trouble.  Do I have peace?  It's coming as I receive perfect love that casts out fear.  May the following scripture verses bring you peace as you wait.

"Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you."  1 Peter 5: 6 & 7 NASB

"There is no fear in love (dread does not exist); but perfect love (complete, full-grown) drives out fear, because fear involves (the expectation of divine) punishment, so the one who is afraid (of God's judgment)  is not perfected in love (has not grown into a sufficient understanding of God's love). We love, because He first loved us." 1 John 4: 18 & 19 AMP

Monday, July 15, 2019

Psalms 25 Reflection: To Be Ashamed or Not To Be Ashamed

Grantchester is a PBS Masterpiece Mystery series I have enjoyed in the past.  A new season started.  I enjoy the main character, Sydney: a church of England vicar who helps Jordy, a policeman solve mysteries.  Sydney is a study in neurosis and suffers with much shame over his lapses in moral uprightness.  He has a beautiful side that serves God and his fellow man, and an ugly side that is a beleaguered sinner.  Watching him struggle, while the other characters prop him up or enable his neurosis, was painful.  I wanted to smack him and tell him to grow up.  And I wanted to hug him and tell him everything would work out.  His character exhibited a marked bent to shame. I identify closely.

Shame has pursued me all my life; at times, I let it catch me and have its way. More times than I care to admit. At the root of shame is a lack of identity; not necessarily who you are but Whose you are. If I am God's child and serve His Son Jesus, then either I believe Who He says He is and Who He says I am...or not.

Psalms 25: 1-5
"To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul. 
 O my God, in you I trust; let me not be put to shame; let not my enemies exult over me.  
Indeed, none who wait for you shall be put to shame; they shall be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous. 
 Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths.  
Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long."
                 I lift up my soul
                                      I trust
                                            I wait
These are the qualities of the one who is not ashamed but stands confident in God’s love. 

In the courts of the kings of old, when you were called into the King's presence, you entered with head down, then dropped to prostrate yourself with nose on the floor. It was an unforgivable affront to the King’s authority and power to lift your head and look at him. If he extended his scepter and bid you to speak, presenting your requests or grievances, then and only then did you lift your head.
Reference Esther 4:11 ESV
“"All the king's servants and the people of the king's provinces know that if any man or woman goes to the king inside the inner court without being called, there is but one law—to be put to death, except the one to whom the king holds out the golden scepter so that he may live. But as for me, I have not been called to come in to the king these thirty days."”

Contrast that with this verse. 
“Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:16‬ ‭NASB

How can our Lord the King be so gracious to us?  When we approach His throne of grace with confidence, we don’t strut in, chest out, thinking that we come to Him on our own merits and goodness. And we don't come in crawling and begging like worms!  We come confident in the salvation that Jesus purchased for us; our sinful life exchanged for His sinless One. 

I know who I am inside with ‘no good thing’ to offer. As I approach His presence, my head is lifted to gaze upon my King Jesus standing beside the Father God. The Spirit is present to convey all the love and longing of the triune Godhead for me!  Even though this is an unfathomable mystery, I receive the gift of this lifting of my head. That is my only confidence. 

And as He speaks precious words of love into my life, I learn His truth and trust in Him.  I also wait for difficult times of shame and unworthiness to be revealed, so He can replace them with truth.  Will you lift your head, trust in Jesus and wait for His voice to tell you Whose you are?

Gratitude abounding,
Nancy B

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Olive Press and Olive Oil

"The olive tree was a symbol in ancient Greece and the olive oil was used not only for its valuable nutritional quality but also for medical purposes. The first and foremost Doctor of Medicine, Hippocrates, used the olive oil to cure hundreds of illnesses, as reported in ancient and modern medical texts." a

a -

Olive oil was a valuable commodity during Biblical times for health, anointing, and a symbol of the healing of God.  I am thinking about the process involving the olive press and the oil it produces, and comparing that to being in the 'olive press' of difficult circumstances.  

When the stone press of ancient times rolled over the already crushed olives, beneficial oil was produced.

There are times when we are already crushed by circumstances then we see the heavy stone coming at us for further pressing.  

Am I allowing God's pressing to produce refined healing oil? Or am I fighting God's process, adding in my two cents (or three) that spoils the pureness of His oil?

Another thought:  If I am the crushed olive, then the oil is not really for me, is it?  It is for others in spite of my crushing.  God help me be the oil of joy for someone's spirit of heaviness.  Isaiah 61:3

just thinking
nancy b

Monday, June 17, 2019

Commiseration and Rest

I met a long time friend for coffee and a chat this morning.  She was commenting on how it has taken her longer than she anticipated to recover from surgery.  I commiserated but tried not to do the one-up thing.
"You think that's bad?  Wait until you hear about..."
It tends to be a conversation stopper.  And I value my friend and her journey too much to brush off her pain.  I sympathized with her frustration as she pinned her slow recovery on being older.  It takes much longer to recover from events, good or bad, when the years add up.
You out there reading of a certain age - can you relate?

On another subject...Baby boomers are flocking to Tennessee to retire - I call it the new Florida.  It has so much to offer and interests us as an option upon retirement.  We are learning about the different areas and narrowing down the area we are thinking of moving into.  We were just there last week and long the drive back was heavily trafficked with spots of heavy downpours.  Ugh!  I came home wiped out and am still tired.
What makes you tired?  Physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually?  Recent rejection by a family member was gut-wrenching causing broken sleep and emotional stress.  When that happens, be gentle with yourself. I am.

Since my tired brain is rather disjointed tonight, I'll end this with a thought my friend of this morning gave me from her massage therapist.  It was like a gem among gems.  "When you are in pain, don't take pain relief meds and keep going.  Take them then rest."  (Thanks Peggy!)

Emotional pain needs a good dose of my heavenly Father's love given through His Word.
"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all."  Paul's benediction from 2 Thessalonians 3:16 ESV

Then I need to rest in this Truth.  Not mull over the pain and hurt, not think of ways to respond or worry about what the future brings for our broken relationship but REST. And that's just what I am doing now.

Are you ready to rest?
Nancy B

Monday, June 10, 2019

Missing Pages Questionnaire Link

Hi Friends,
Would you like to participate in the questionnaire I have developed for Missing Pages?  This questionnaire is a place to share your stories and information for inclusion in my book-in-progress.  My goal is to have a first draft of Missing Pages ready for editing by September.  Visit my Facebook page Missing Pages to preview a short video update on the book.
Thanks for your consideration and participation.

Nancy B

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Sleep Depravation on Vacation

Have you been on a vacation and had a bad night's sleep?  Or two or three? Whether you are in a five star hotel or camping in a tent, it happens.  Strange noises wake you often during the night or a strange bed hits all those tender spots.  Or a train goes through nearby sounding its horn as if it is 10 ft away from your bed?  Or the big dog in the next camp site barks on and off all night?

You've been there.  These memorable nights can spell a bleary-eyed, five-cup of coffee day of activity.  I'm there now on day three of an interrupted night's sleep. Any spelling mistakes are solely the fault of my spell check, this morning!

Waking up on the wrong side of the bed is hard enough but I make it harder by being a vocally grouchy person.  The object of my grouchies is my better half.  It isn't annoying enough that I am waked by every strange noise.  It's super annoying that he isn't.

What to do?  Keep my mouth shut until that first dose of caffeine gives me perspective.  Then proceed with the morning cautiously.  My saving grace this morning was to be joined by new friends who were equally sleep deprived.  I adult much more sweetly when around strangers.  Dear hubby was so grateful we had breakfast together!

At breakfast, we traded information like strangers do.  It was great to meet new friends that have dogs.  They are great conversation levelers.  Family information is also a good topic.  "How many kids do you have, are your parents still living, what is your occupation."  Our new friends have two children; the older is deceased and the younger is a successful adult - a good kid.  Then she said something that struck me as very wise.

She recognized that as her only child entered high school, she needed to back off from volunteer school activities and potential helicopter mom behavior to allow her child to grow independently.  So she went back to school and achieved a degree that she works in today.  This wise choice may have saved her relationship to her child as they became an adult.

I applaud her decision.  For a mom of an only child to choose disengagement is difficult at best and impossible for most.  Not to stereotype, dads have this choice to make but in different ways.  Dads may behave overprotective or hyper vigilant toward daughters, just as moms cling to a son.  What happens if you don't choose this sacrifice?

Make no mistake, it is a sacrifice for any parent.  To be a dad vigilante or a clinging mom risks the child's resentment and a rough rebellious ride to adulthood.  It risks a break in the relationship that may not be repaired in the years ahead.  In those teen years, a child needs to experience independence to mature.  More importantly, they need to experience failure and consequences that aren't covered over by their parents; engagement in adult behavior, not prolonging childish behavior by cleaning up after their mistakes.  Changing a baby's stinking, poopy diaper is expected. Cleaning up after your adolescent's poor choices just leaves you holding their adult-sized diaper.  Euuwwwww!

I know this to be true because I've experienced it from both sides; someone cleaning up my messes and me cleaning up my kid's.  Learn to make better choices by doing four things.

1. Talk to a trusted counselor/therapist.  Acquire those tools to help you and your child through turbulent times.
2. Engage in a faith community or group support that you can talk through the issues of disengagement as you hit rough waters with your child.
3. If you are a Christian; pray, pray, pray for wisdom from your Heavenly Father who gives it liberally.
James 1:5 "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."
4. If you are not a Christian with a saving faith in God's Son, Jesus Christ, investigate Jesus's claims by reading the New Testament book of John.

Above all, just get through the day.  Have another cup of coffee, pray to get wisdom from God and default to love that child while they grow up into a strong and independent adult.

Grace and more to you,
Nancy B

Thursday, April 25, 2019

From Victim to Survivor to Thriver

Let me tell you about my Jade doggy and our walks. She is a fine walker for a short-legged Corgi.  I compare her to Gimli, the dwarf, in the Lord of the Rings...great on short sprints but miserable on long distances.  Picture this.  If she is bored or uninterested in walking the neighborhood, she walks behind me, reluctantly, with her head down in the smells of other dogs.  At our local state park, she is engaged to the fullest with all the smells and sounds.  She loves going at full speed with her head lifted while not missing a smell or small vole on the ground. I have a hard time keeping up with her.

As Jade and I walk, I am thinking of what use to be, what is now and what may be in my future life.  I use to be a victim; blown about by every wind of circumstance, what people thought of me or didn't think of me.  Today you'd meet a secure person who knows who I am.  My identity has been shaped by Whose I am, not who I am.  I simply belong to someone else...Jesus. I am not content to be a survivor of my past, I want to thrive in my present and future.  How about you?  

Aren't you glad I asked?  When I persist in lowering my head to sniff at the bad memories and those current situations that get me down in the dumps, I am not engaged in lifting my head.  When I lift my head and look UP, I am a thriver with a different perspective. 

This is what Jesus says, "But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." Luke 21:28 NASB. He talks of the signs of his second coming prior to this.  He warns his disciples not to miss the signs by walking with their head down.  

Is your head bowed down with worry, distraction, fear and misery over your circumstances?  Look up and see the signs, not only of Jesus second coming but His presence now.  Be a survivor and thriver.
Thriving in Jesus,
Nancy B

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Lessons from Quilting

God intended His way to be perfect because we are not.  Yet I have perfectionist tendencies.  I sent this to my mentor in all things quilting, as I learn this new skill. 

"Good morning!  The books you loaned are so full of information.  I copied some pages I had marked, like the pattern for a Double Irish Chain. The pattern looks quite beyond my skill and experience.  But skill and experience can be acquired.

So the snafu is the middle long pink strip. I was putting a 1/2” straight stitch in the 3” strip but it measured 2 3/4”. The 1/4” lack made for wonky spacing.
I woke up last night wanting to get up and rip it out for a do-over.  But I stayed in bed and went back to sleep.  Jade (dog) slept by me all night but kept moving from the end to the head.  Hence, it’s a two cup of coffee morning.

To rip out or not to rip out? That, my friend, is the question."

She responded with grace and enthusiastic encouragement!  I am so grateful for friends who can understand and have been there and done that.  She reminded me of an Amish proverb, "Only God is perfect."  The Amish deliberately put mistakes in their crafts to remind them that only God is perfect...and they are not.  

In fact, God was so perfect, He sent Jesus to take away our imperfection, called sin.  The God of the universe Who had every right to condemn us, paved the way for us to spend an eternity with Him.  Why did He do that?
Because of love and relationship.  
Love: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have life eternal." John 3:16 ESV  
Relationship: "Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one." John 17: 11b

Lest you think this is an Easter message, it is an every day message of redemption and deliverance; love and relationship.

So from imperfect quilts to a perfect Heavenly Father, if you didn't before, that God does not require perfection but relationship bound in love.

Happy Resurrection Day!
Nancy B

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

What is your idol?

I read the One Year Chronological Bible in the morning. The subtitle is 'The entire text of the NIV in 365 daily readings arranged in the order the events actually occurred.' I prefer this because it combines the repetition of OT portions with a historical overview.

This morning Deuteronomy has the children of Israel poised to occupy God's promised land. Moses, their elder leader, is recounting all that God has done since they fled Egypt, wandered 40 years in the desert and tasted initial victory over two kings east of the Jordan.

In the first chapters, Moses warns them of the consequences of disobedience as they move west. The jealousy of God and following idolatry speaks volumes for them and us. The warning is clear in the first of the Ten Commandments; "You shall have no other gods before (besides) me." Dt 5:7

At the heart of each of us lies the urge to set up our own kingdom and our own idols which we worship.  Just when I think I am doing great in my personal relationships and am about to give myself the proverbial pat on the back, my idol rears its ugly head. You have a problem, I can fix it for you. It's a very ugly idol.

First, because only God knows the heart of a person, I misjudge their motives. As I move in to fix them, I am helping on the basis of bad intel...because I really don't know. God knows them completely.

Second, trying to fix another person attempts to set myself up as God in their life. Bad idea because God is God and I am not.

I mean well. I genuinely care about my friends. Yet God cares more to stop me and to correct my belief about Who really knows how to fix people. Not me! Only God!

I demolish that fix-it idol by turning to God, His Word and the power of the Holy Spirit for wisdom from on high.  And I keep my mouth shut, love my friend and pray that they would encounter God in their trials.

What's your idol of choice?

Grateful for you dear reader,
Nancy B

Monday, March 11, 2019

Walks, Talks & Sniffing

Two years ago, we got a dog. What a lovely walking companion as walking is an exercise I enjoy. She is a Corgi that is short in the legs, broad in the back and cute in face, so she doesn't go fast and pull on her lease.  Good for her neck and good for my back.

Now I walk and talk to the Lord. It's all good except... my stubborn-by-breed herder Corgi gets in these moods when she is not super engaged with our walking and wants to stop and sniff every 10 yards.  Patience comes on my part to allow some sniffing and some encouragement to walk with me, not in spite of me.  She gets it in her mind that she will walk as fast or slow as she wills and stops at every doggy smell in the neighborhood. Everyone knows me and my dog because I am the one out front walking and she trails behind.  Humorous.

As she and I were stopped for a sniff the other day (I was cold and inpatient, since I don't find sniffing that appealing), I started thinking about walking with God.  How many times when He is trying to take me by the Spirit to new places as we walk, then I 'stop and sniff'.  Can you see it, feel it? a slight tug on my spiritual leash and then His voice encouraging me to walk on.  I can get so distracted by the 'smells' of life.  Can you?  Sure you do.

Following Jesus is essential to any Christian life. Focus on the practices of faith are life-giving and keep us in step with our training.  Prayer, Bible study, meditation, fellowship and service in balance maintain a healthy relationship with God, along with walking well.  I admire dogs that are trained by command who walk by their master off-leash.  Impressive but is that me and God?  There are times when I sense I am off-leash and just enjoying the freedom of His presence.  Sometimes I am not.

This blog is wandering a bit but to end, I am very interested in your thoughts on walking by the Spirit.  

"By this we may know that we are in him (God); whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked." 1 John 2:5, 6 ESV

Keep walking and talking but listening more, and if you are a doggy, sniff around some.
Nancy B

Monday, February 25, 2019

Fortune Cookie Writing

"You will obtain your goal if you maintain your course." My new Writer's Block friend, Tad, gave out story starters in the form of fortune cookie sayings. Mine was very telling as I have struggled to write consistently. Putting thoughts together is work, hard work...I hate hard.
Anyway, the word in this fortune that popped is if. To obtain my goal to finish the book I started three years ago, I have a course to maintain. Just what the heck is my course. Sometimes all I see in my mind is an overgrown, rutted trail disappearing up the hill and around a corner. Then when I make it around the corner, a fork in the road appears with hard decisions. Or maybe it's the snowy, monochrome winter that seems never to end as I look out my window.

My course, maybe your course too, has many hills, ruts, corners, and unseen finishes. Faith to see the unseen puts flight to all our ifs. Faith in God's plan for this book and this writer levels the hills, fills the ruts, straightens the corner and gives me renewed hope to see the finish line. 

Would you share with me your hard courses and the faith you have to stay the course?  I would love to hear from my readers.

On my way down the trail,
Nancy B

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Frame Reframe

I was walking behind a woman painfully making her way to the entrance of a grocery store.  I know what foot pain feels like.  I winced inside with every hesitant step she took.  She was headed toward the large double-doored entrance with ENTER is large letters over the doors.  The doors swung open and two ladies pushing a cart came out the entrance.  They chatted moving along at a brisk pace with a full cart, not giving the other woman a sideways glance.  The woman had to stop her painful progress to let them out.

"Obliviots," I thought.
"How rude," came another thought.
"Can't they see she is having difficulty? Can't they wait or even offer to get her a cart?"
"At the least, why aren't they using the correct door to exit?"

Stop frame.  These were my initial judgements against two women. Strangers. I framed my thoughts thinking I had all the facts. These thoughts formed in my tiny brain in moments.

Fast forward to the end of my shopping trip, walking out the exit with a full cart and a latte.  What I saw as I walked to the exit was humbling and reframed my earlier judgement.  On the exit doors the store management had posted two large signs.


Reframe.  This information reframed my perception of the two ladies supposed rudeness to the struggling older woman giving me the total picture.

Do you find yourself in this age of Instagram judgements having to reframe your perception of other people's actions?  So humbling, right?

Consider these thoughts.

~ Gather ALL the facts.
~ If you have framed a situation incorrectly, act humbly and reframe it with ALL the facts.
~ Don't judge without walking in the other person's least a mile.

Walking, somewhat painfully, in God's Grace,
Nancy B

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

A Scary Place To Write From

I asked a friend for writing advise concerning blogging and finding my writing voice.  I wasn't certain what voice is.  This is the definition from our conversation that I came up with. Voice takes the inside me to the outside for you to know.  This is the absolutely scary piece about writing.

Scary writing evokes emotions of fear, ridicule, doubt and worry among others.  Scary writing says, "Be vulnerable, unreserved, unguarded."  Yikes...That is not me.  I am not as up tight, reserved and guarded as I was years ago.  But change is long and tangled, as it may be for you.

My friend suggests that I write as if I am having coffee with you, relating to you across the page as if you were real.  Real people, real issues, real joys...who I. don't. know.  Scary.  Because if I was with you real time, right now, I may be trying too hard to impress, losing my thoughts, interrupting you and making a general mess of our coffee time.  Ugh!

The truth is that I share many coffee dates with good friends and they keep coming back for more.  The truth is that writing from this vulnerable place may be scary, yet I genuinely love people and want to get to know and share life with you.

What places of creativity are you coming from that scare you?  Or maybe you are an artist that is secure in your creative expression.  If you are, I would love for you to share in the comments how you came to overcome fear.  Or just share...anything. Don't be afraid.

My God is fearless ~ Nancy B

Friday, January 25, 2019

Repost or Create

How many times are you on social media, see a post that is meaningful and repost it?  I do. A lot.  How many times do you see a friend's post; leave a like, love, wow, cry and move on?  Guilty.

Being engaged in the creative process of writing is hard.  Harder than I thought.  When writing gets hard I default to reposting instead of creating.

There's nothing wrong with reinventing the wheel instead of creating your own, right?  If a meme is meaningful, why not repost?  Okay.  But if that is all that's happening on your social media of choice, then rethink this with me.

GOD CREATES.  In His creative power, He is original, thought-provoking, magnanimous, beautiful, inventive, loving down to the last detail of the feathers on a bird, a child's eye color or the age spots on my hands.  

GOD CREATES LIFE. He breathed life into His creation and John 1:4 said, "The Life (Jesus) was the light of men."  He gave us the gift of creating life because we belong to the life-giver, Jesus.  

Someday those who believe Jesus as their Savior will receive the ultimate in life - living eternal in a new body and new home.  Then we'll create in perfection.

Please post pictures of your latest creation!  I'd love to see what you are up to.
Nancy B

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Devil is in the worry

I worry about many things, people mostly.  A family member in the hospital in another state.  Writing a blog that was misunderstood.  The unease and rising hatred in our divided country.  Slick winter roads and potential accidents.  Struggling to use my time toward learning and growing as a writer and artist.  Wasting time playing solitaire and scrolling through Facebook.  All worry is the devil's playground.

I know this yet I worry and worry some more.  Think about your worries.  Are you overcome by them at times?

Jesus has this to say in the Sermon on the Mount.
"And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?"  Matthew 6:27

A progression from worry to diminished faith to fear is the devil's playground.  Worry climbs the monkey bars to fix and control unfixable and uncontrollable circumstances/people.  Worry consumes us with all the 'what-ifs' in life and says, 'I can figure this out on my own because God is too busy, unconcerned, punishing, distant.'  Pick your own falsehood about God.

"But if God so clothes the grass of the field...will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!"  Matthew 6:30

Little faith doesn't know the true character of God. He is good, faithful, kind, perfect judge, overall, loving, providing, redeeming, pick one. After all, doesn't the Bible tell us so?

The devil's playground of worry provides deception that climbs up the slide to fear.  "Well, if God isn't working this thing out like I would, now! then I can't really trust Him.  If I can't trust Him, then I fear things will 'go south'...and this becomes a horrible merry-go-round of worry, broken faith and fear leading to worry, broken faith and fear.

"But (continually) seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things (life and body vs 25) will be (provided) added to you."  Matthew 6:33.  Seeking out the character of God in the Bible and believing it's truth is provisional and progressive.  He is so good, He will add and add and add more of His goodness to your life.  More love, faith, freedom from fear and life, life abundant.  Everlasting!  Eternal!

Tell the devil to go away because you have overcoming faith in the Logos, Jesus.

"So do not worry (command, not a suggestion) about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."  Matthew 6:34. Ain't that the truth!?

God cares. Let Him. Believe Him.

Playing in God's Kingdom playground today,
Nancy B

Thursday, January 17, 2019


Holidays are a time of family and friend gatherings; around a loaded table, a game board, a movie. Some gatherings have reunion feel because someone has been missing around the table for a year, maybe much longer.

Circumstances were perfect for us to stay with my brother and his wife over the holidays.  In years past, their home has been full of kids returning.  Bad weather in the upper mid-west has delayed or stopped travel home.  Some years we had our kids and grands at our house and didn't travel.  Our time together, just the two couples, was refreshing and fun.  We reconnected on a personal level that isn't possible in group gatherings.

This last week I had a reunion with a long-time friend and sister in Christ. We attended the same church for many years and served in a women's ministry together.  We laughed, cried and struggled together with other precious women.

One of our friends indirectly brought us together again across the miles. Lisa had fought the good fight against breast cancer.  She lost her life but gained heaven, her eternal home with Jesus and the ultimate in reunions!  Peg called me with the news about Lisa then we set up a lunch date.

Oh what a sweet time we had together as the faithful waitress poured cups of coffee and glasses of water.  When the lunch crowd came in, we found a coffee shop and continued our catching up.  We had what I call a delightful, life-giving 'chin wag'!

She is a published author and amazing artist embarked on further development and marketing of her works.  It's a sticking point with most artists.  In marketing her art, putting it out there for all to love or criticize, she is learning that she is the only one who can market herself.  That is an uncomfortable personal journey for most artists.  Sensitivity makes most artists who they are and is what creates so much inner chaos.  Am I good enough?  Can I make a profit?  Will anyone buy my works of art?  Shouldn't I simply give away what God has given me?  or is it selfish to want to charge people for what is a piece of my soul?

She listened as I talked about my struggle to write a book that hasn't seen the light of day for years.  And asked questions that made me think about my attitude toward my art.  I came away with four encouragements to take action on.

~ Take hold of what is already in your hand; finished works
~ Find a tribe of writers for support and feedback
~ Heart and soul healing first
~ Worship, worship, worship the Lord!

I reluctantly left my friend with my soul full and her prayers for God's good plan carrying me home!  And best of all, her offer to get together on a regular basis to help me keep writing and mutual encouragement.  I love reunions!  Can't wait to see her again in a couple of months!

Reunions are God's blessing!
Nancy B

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Dream to Story

A dream I had early this morning gave me an idea for a short story.  Maybe I've been watching too many Perry Mason courtroom dramas because the dream centered on a mystery.  Premise: a stranger passes by a phone booth with a dangling receiver and hears someone on the other end shouting a name then screaming.  The stranger is drawn into drama unwittingly by picking up the receiver.  What they hear next will radically alter their life.  That's all I have for now.

Oh and happy 2019! My 2019 started November 2018 ramping down on long standing responsibilities to make 2019 my year to write.  I consider it a job with all the joys, challenges and learning opportunities.  And daily writing of many different kinds.

The first task is to establish a timeline from concept to publication; in other words goals.  I don't do well with goals.  I keep pushing them back or move on to something more interesting when the task becomes difficult or boring.  Anyone relate?

When I discipline myself to put goals in black and white, then I see plainly whether they are realistic or not.  Then it's simple to make adjustments.  The word guilt and shame is not in my vocabulary regarding writing.  Is it in yours?

Whether 2019 is a relief because 2018 held way too many dramas and challenges or only another year to pass through, be assured that our God has a plan - a good one - for your benefit and His glory.

Do today what brings you and others joy!  For me, I write.

Grace abundantly,