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Friday, January 25, 2019

Repost or Create

How many times are you on social media, see a post that is meaningful and repost it?  I do. A lot.  How many times do you see a friend's post; leave a like, love, wow, cry and move on?  Guilty.

Being engaged in the creative process of writing is hard.  Harder than I thought.  When writing gets hard I default to reposting instead of creating.

There's nothing wrong with reinventing the wheel instead of creating your own, right?  If a meme is meaningful, why not repost?  Okay.  But if that is all that's happening on your social media of choice, then rethink this with me.

GOD CREATES.  In His creative power, He is original, thought-provoking, magnanimous, beautiful, inventive, loving down to the last detail of the feathers on a bird, a child's eye color or the age spots on my hands.  

GOD CREATES LIFE. He breathed life into His creation and John 1:4 said, "The Life (Jesus) was the light of men."  He gave us the gift of creating life because we belong to the life-giver, Jesus.  

Someday those who believe Jesus as their Savior will receive the ultimate in life - living eternal in a new body and new home.  Then we'll create in perfection.

Please post pictures of your latest creation!  I'd love to see what you are up to.
Nancy B

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Devil is in the worry

I worry about many things, people mostly.  A family member in the hospital in another state.  Writing a blog that was misunderstood.  The unease and rising hatred in our divided country.  Slick winter roads and potential accidents.  Struggling to use my time toward learning and growing as a writer and artist.  Wasting time playing solitaire and scrolling through Facebook.  All worry is the devil's playground.

I know this yet I worry and worry some more.  Think about your worries.  Are you overcome by them at times?

Jesus has this to say in the Sermon on the Mount.
"And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?"  Matthew 6:27

A progression from worry to diminished faith to fear is the devil's playground.  Worry climbs the monkey bars to fix and control unfixable and uncontrollable circumstances/people.  Worry consumes us with all the 'what-ifs' in life and says, 'I can figure this out on my own because God is too busy, unconcerned, punishing, distant.'  Pick your own falsehood about God.

"But if God so clothes the grass of the field...will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!"  Matthew 6:30

Little faith doesn't know the true character of God. He is good, faithful, kind, perfect judge, overall, loving, providing, redeeming, pick one. After all, doesn't the Bible tell us so?

The devil's playground of worry provides deception that climbs up the slide to fear.  "Well, if God isn't working this thing out like I would, now! then I can't really trust Him.  If I can't trust Him, then I fear things will 'go south'...and this becomes a horrible merry-go-round of worry, broken faith and fear leading to worry, broken faith and fear.

"But (continually) seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things (life and body vs 25) will be (provided) added to you."  Matthew 6:33.  Seeking out the character of God in the Bible and believing it's truth is provisional and progressive.  He is so good, He will add and add and add more of His goodness to your life.  More love, faith, freedom from fear and life, life abundant.  Everlasting!  Eternal!

Tell the devil to go away because you have overcoming faith in the Logos, Jesus.

"So do not worry (command, not a suggestion) about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."  Matthew 6:34. Ain't that the truth!?

God cares. Let Him. Believe Him.

Playing in God's Kingdom playground today,
Nancy B

Thursday, January 17, 2019


Holidays are a time of family and friend gatherings; around a loaded table, a game board, a movie. Some gatherings have reunion feel because someone has been missing around the table for a year, maybe much longer.

Circumstances were perfect for us to stay with my brother and his wife over the holidays.  In years past, their home has been full of kids returning.  Bad weather in the upper mid-west has delayed or stopped travel home.  Some years we had our kids and grands at our house and didn't travel.  Our time together, just the two couples, was refreshing and fun.  We reconnected on a personal level that isn't possible in group gatherings.

This last week I had a reunion with a long-time friend and sister in Christ. We attended the same church for many years and served in a women's ministry together.  We laughed, cried and struggled together with other precious women.

One of our friends indirectly brought us together again across the miles. Lisa had fought the good fight against breast cancer.  She lost her life but gained heaven, her eternal home with Jesus and the ultimate in reunions!  Peg called me with the news about Lisa then we set up a lunch date.

Oh what a sweet time we had together as the faithful waitress poured cups of coffee and glasses of water.  When the lunch crowd came in, we found a coffee shop and continued our catching up.  We had what I call a delightful, life-giving 'chin wag'!

She is a published author and amazing artist embarked on further development and marketing of her works.  It's a sticking point with most artists.  In marketing her art, putting it out there for all to love or criticize, she is learning that she is the only one who can market herself.  That is an uncomfortable personal journey for most artists.  Sensitivity makes most artists who they are and is what creates so much inner chaos.  Am I good enough?  Can I make a profit?  Will anyone buy my works of art?  Shouldn't I simply give away what God has given me?  or is it selfish to want to charge people for what is a piece of my soul?

She listened as I talked about my struggle to write a book that hasn't seen the light of day for years.  And asked questions that made me think about my attitude toward my art.  I came away with four encouragements to take action on.

~ Take hold of what is already in your hand; finished works
~ Find a tribe of writers for support and feedback
~ Heart and soul healing first
~ Worship, worship, worship the Lord!

I reluctantly left my friend with my soul full and her prayers for God's good plan carrying me home!  And best of all, her offer to get together on a regular basis to help me keep writing and mutual encouragement.  I love reunions!  Can't wait to see her again in a couple of months!

Reunions are God's blessing!
Nancy B

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Dream to Story

A dream I had early this morning gave me an idea for a short story.  Maybe I've been watching too many Perry Mason courtroom dramas because the dream centered on a mystery.  Premise: a stranger passes by a phone booth with a dangling receiver and hears someone on the other end shouting a name then screaming.  The stranger is drawn into drama unwittingly by picking up the receiver.  What they hear next will radically alter their life.  That's all I have for now.

Oh and happy 2019! My 2019 started November 2018 ramping down on long standing responsibilities to make 2019 my year to write.  I consider it a job with all the joys, challenges and learning opportunities.  And daily writing of many different kinds.

The first task is to establish a timeline from concept to publication; in other words goals.  I don't do well with goals.  I keep pushing them back or move on to something more interesting when the task becomes difficult or boring.  Anyone relate?

When I discipline myself to put goals in black and white, then I see plainly whether they are realistic or not.  Then it's simple to make adjustments.  The word guilt and shame is not in my vocabulary regarding writing.  Is it in yours?

Whether 2019 is a relief because 2018 held way too many dramas and challenges or only another year to pass through, be assured that our God has a plan - a good one - for your benefit and His glory.

Do today what brings you and others joy!  For me, I write.

Grace abundantly,