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Saturday, November 5, 2022

Another Happy Birthday

     On the heels of the October Birthday Bonanza is my mom's 93rd birthday on November 2. Our daughter, Rachel, was due on her birthday. Mom was hoping for a birthday buddy and a namesake. She was disappointed on both counts but welcomed her second grandchild and first granddaughter with an open heart. 

    "I had a good day with lots of phone calls and a visit from my sister, Jeanine," she sighed when she called me the next day. "But I am worn out with all the activity."

    "It's good you have a day to catch up and remember all your birthday greetings, Mom."

Looking for another picture from my childhood, I found this one. I was struck by the contentment and joy on my mom's face and the spontaneity of our pose. She was always happiest around children.

Mom was twenty-five in the summer of 1954 and waiting on my brother's birth in December. The pudgy-armed little girl was me before I turned two. My beautiful mom, with red hair and a ready smile, loved having children. Grandchildren were her second chance to love and be loved. Great-grandchildren were a bonus.

God's birthday blessings to you, Mom. You are loved.