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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

This cute corgi, Jade, teaches me.  We had had our park walk then I stopped by the office.  This is what I was met with returning to the car.  In the front seat...ready to go home, probably for lunch!  This girl lives for food. So cute.

I took on an additional activity that crowds out time to write.  It was a purposeful decision that has me questioning whether Missing Pages book will ever be finished, let alone come to first draft.  

A handy Christian excuse concerns God's timing.  "Maybe it's not His timing", I think.  Well, maybe it is and I am doing what I do when faced with a hard thing; finding something new and exciting to take up my time.  Then I have a convenient excuse.  

Am I waiting for creative explosion to surge through my brain and writing will become effortless?  In what universe do I live?  Writing is hard, boring hard.  Corgi waiting for a meal is hard.  But she trusts me to get her home, put the food in the bowl so she can have a full stomach.  

Do I trust God in the waiting, hard times?  Trusting him looks like going to the computer, opening a book chapter that needs edits and just doing it.  Every day...for weeks... until that first draft is done.

God, forgive me for confusing your timing and patience for a license to procrastinate.
Help me to write every day for the glory of Your story.

Nancy B

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