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Thursday, November 14, 2019


A new member of the family born just weeks ago is a joy to hold, cuddle and watch over.  After a short drive west, I can be available to help...and cuddle.  There is nothing like a new grand baby.  I am thankful for his parents and his little life.  They do grow up quick.  You know they do.

Sometimes even in the joy, we face difficulties...for some, severe difficulties that are an unexpected forks in the road.  How do we get back to joy?  Recount the past joys and family connections.  Endure the difficulties that may not make sense right now.

Our grandchildren take us back to our children in memory.  My kids graciously listen to me tell about their cute and not so cute babyhood.  The sleepless nights, the unending crying, the sickness then that first grin, a first gaze that seems to indicate they know you.  How do you assure a new parent that THIS stage that is difficult will end and go into THAT next stage?  How do you encourage them to maintain hope in that new-baby-sleep-deprived state?

Words don't work but a hug and an "I love you" does.  Many "I love you's".  Help them return to joy so they can enjoy their children, as you enjoyed yours.

It is worth it all!
Nancy B

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