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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Getting away TO it all!

Entry to Creekside Cabin: relaxing porch

A few of the amenities and cabin decorating

John and Jade relax and listen to the rain: I write.

You've heard the expression, "Getting away from it all"; leaving the daily monotony, a stressful job or a difficult personal conflict.  Vacation is normally an experience that takes you away from the norm to give you a break from the list above.  This time away has felt like going TO something; resting, walking, talking, reading and lots of reflective silence.

We traveled to Creekside Cabin in TN to spend a week in our future home state.  This is our first Arbnb experience which has been overwhelmingly positive.  The owners have made this cozy little cabin a haven of peace, calm and so many thoughtful amenities; like farm fresh eggs waiting in the frig.  The two big white farm dogs, Dolly and Dixie visit the cabin daily.  What huge sweethearts they are!  Jade, our corgi, is dwarfed by these gentle gals but took charge at the get go. They still aren't friends but Jade's growling has stopped.  I plead with my stubborn corgi to 'play nice'; per usual, she ignores me and does as she pleases, until I insist.

Even in the middle of the Covid-19 virus upheaval, we attended a Home Builders show in the Cumberland county seat of Crossville, our future home.  We met folks who answered many of our questions and gave us valuable information about the area building industry.  A memorable vendor was a young vet who we talked to at length.  Josh's non-profit is working to establish tiny house communities for veterans.  Please take a look at what he is doing for our vets.  

The time we've spent at our property helps us to dream and envision a productive and fruitful life after retirement.  Our neighbors, Mike, Charlie, Vicky and dog Sam welcomed us even in the middle of some muddy yard work.  (They've had so much rain down here!) And to see our little Corgi Jade zip through the leaf covered ground of our land is a happy sight.  Our short-legged wonder moves fast!  (and has a nose to find the dead rabbit!) Can you spot Jade in the middle of the picture?

We are grateful to God for His presence, protection and plans for a good future.
Until next time,
Nancy B

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