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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Lessons from Quilting

God intended His way to be perfect because we are not.  Yet I have perfectionist tendencies.  I sent this to my mentor in all things quilting, as I learn this new skill. 

"Good morning!  The books you loaned are so full of information.  I copied some pages I had marked, like the pattern for a Double Irish Chain. The pattern looks quite beyond my skill and experience.  But skill and experience can be acquired.

So the snafu is the middle long pink strip. I was putting a 1/2” straight stitch in the 3” strip but it measured 2 3/4”. The 1/4” lack made for wonky spacing.
I woke up last night wanting to get up and rip it out for a do-over.  But I stayed in bed and went back to sleep.  Jade (dog) slept by me all night but kept moving from the end to the head.  Hence, it’s a two cup of coffee morning.

To rip out or not to rip out? That, my friend, is the question."

She responded with grace and enthusiastic encouragement!  I am so grateful for friends who can understand and have been there and done that.  She reminded me of an Amish proverb, "Only God is perfect."  The Amish deliberately put mistakes in their crafts to remind them that only God is perfect...and they are not.  

In fact, God was so perfect, He sent Jesus to take away our imperfection, called sin.  The God of the universe Who had every right to condemn us, paved the way for us to spend an eternity with Him.  Why did He do that?
Because of love and relationship.  
Love: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have life eternal." John 3:16 ESV  
Relationship: "Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one." John 17: 11b

Lest you think this is an Easter message, it is an every day message of redemption and deliverance; love and relationship.

So from imperfect quilts to a perfect Heavenly Father, if you didn't before, that God does not require perfection but relationship bound in love.

Happy Resurrection Day!
Nancy B

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