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Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Olive Press and Olive Oil

"The olive tree was a symbol in ancient Greece and the olive oil was used not only for its valuable nutritional quality but also for medical purposes. The first and foremost Doctor of Medicine, Hippocrates, used the olive oil to cure hundreds of illnesses, as reported in ancient and modern medical texts." a

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Olive oil was a valuable commodity during Biblical times for health, anointing, and a symbol of the healing of God.  I am thinking about the process involving the olive press and the oil it produces, and comparing that to being in the 'olive press' of difficult circumstances.  

When the stone press of ancient times rolled over the already crushed olives, beneficial oil was produced.

There are times when we are already crushed by circumstances then we see the heavy stone coming at us for further pressing.  

Am I allowing God's pressing to produce refined healing oil? Or am I fighting God's process, adding in my two cents (or three) that spoils the pureness of His oil?

Another thought:  If I am the crushed olive, then the oil is not really for me, is it?  It is for others in spite of my crushing.  God help me be the oil of joy for someone's spirit of heaviness.  Isaiah 61:3

just thinking
nancy b

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