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Monday, October 23, 2023

Adventure Calls


A variety of changes, that I name adventures, call us 'further up and further in'.

I thought we had ten grandchildren, until...a phone conversation with one of our children. They revealed a situation they recently found out about their estranged sibling. Our estranged child is supporting a third child we knew nothing about. Finding out secondhand about major events in their life saddens me, their choice, not mine. 

I found out on my entry into my seventh decade. Happy Birthday, me! No self-pity here, though. The news has more to do with our child's struggle than mine. But I can't help but wonder what their child looks like, how old they are, do they like music, do they have a step-parent raising them? My comfort lays with the certainty that God knows every hair on their head. Once again, I give Him my sadness and our eleventh grandchild.

When we joined a large non-denominational church, our desire to serve God and be available for the needs of people came to leadership's notice. They identified some skills and traits in us that would fit with a need to care for people experiencing life's difficulties; a divorce, death, illness, hospitalization, etc. The ministry is slowly getting started. A few requests are coming in from our head pastor which he funnels to the care ministry - us. Do we feel equipped? No. Is God fully able to equip us? Absolutely. Will we build a team of folks who desire to serve and care for people? Yes, by God's grace.

A new pole building went up to shelter our tractor, implements, trailer and other stuff around the place.

Have I told you lately that I love our retirement to East Central Tennessee?  It's the friends, the milder weather and the onset of FALL; pumpkin spice everything, bonfires, vibrant golds, oranges and reds in the trees, sweaters and warm covers, and boots & line dancing. I am not taking a shower twice a day!

I am curious. What changes are you facing? Are you a pumpkin spice person? What season trips your emotional trigger? Would love to hear from you!  

"There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:"

Ecclesiastes 3:1

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