Yesterday prior to our neighborhood's ladies lunch, I deliberately determined not to talk about myself unless asked point blank. (Please tell me I am not alone in this!) As we finished up sharing delicious appetizers then settled in over plates of cookies (my poor thighs), one of our friends asked us to go around and share about ourselves. We had a couple of new ladies in the group this month. My turn came and I shared facts. Doing okay so far.
Then my friend encouraged me to share about the Bible study that meets in my home AND my writing. Sharing my broken journey connected with some on a deeper level. I could see it in their eyes. Finally unashamed.
Too often, people who attend church, study the Bible and profess to be Christian's are judged as 'holier than thou' and others find it hard to relate to us. With a clarity I don't usually possess, I told all my friends that we are ALL broken and in need of someone bigger than ourselves. We ALL need rescuing. We ALL need a Savior. The foot of the cross has always been a level field. The manger holds the answers. The empty tomb offers hope for an eternity that our finite brains can not grasp.
Christ-mas is your opportunity to receive God's provision of love and acceptance in the face of His Son Jesus for your broken life. We ALL have one. We ALL need Him.
If you were having coffee with me face-to-face, I would unashamedly share.
Merry Christmas to all as we grow in grace.
And share you did! You never cease to inspire me to be a better person.I am so proud of my friendship with you and I am inspired by your drive and your accomplishments!! I just to shout to the world "Look at my friend,she is a gift from God! Come and get to know her she will astound you!