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Sunday, August 2, 2020

Remnants of Summer 2020

Even with the unusual times we are living in; Covid19, riots, political unrest, quarantine, hatred and palatable fear of unmasked people, this summer has had few wrinkles. We have been going about our lives doing some household downsizing and pursuing relationships as usual. Camping trips are always high on the list to look forward giving us much needed friend time.

I reached a milestone lately that I am celebrating. As of last week, the first draft of Missing Pages is done. After six years of uncertainty and sweat equity, the book and I are in a good place. As a friend said, "Your baby is born." Now to shepherd it to a fully formed, readable format. 

Missing Pages reflects God's hope in tough circumstances. I am grateful to God for giving me serendipitous encouragement recently. I told my lovely friend Rebecca that her gift made me ugly cry. (this picture is after the ugly cry) The package also included a girl's best friends; chocolate (long gone) and Starbucks brown butter caramel Frappuccino! I am still working on the frap! Her note was creatively crafted and so lovely. I leave it up where I can read it.
Now to keep working, polish up the book and let it go out to ones who desperately need the message of God's hope.

Never lose hope! God is near!
Nancy B

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