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Friday, October 15, 2021

Changing Directions



Missing Pages: A Common Woman's Journey To An Uncommon Hope

Missing Pages edits have turned into a major rewrite from the first draft. Now, I am chronologically telling our family's story. Throwing together the facts of our life is very unsatisfying and boring: even to me--the one who has lived and breathed it. I can't imagine that anyone would find them interesting, except my children who are curious to read what I wrote about them. 
Joining a local writing group, reading books about how to write your story, and listening to various podcasts and YouTube gurus spurs on my search for direction and education. My editor Michelle is waiting for me to finish the edits she gave me almost a year ago. Her general guidelines remain helpful, as I incorporate portions of the original draft into the current book.  

Leslie Leyland Fields, whom I quoted above, and I crossed paths virtually years ago. My writing lacks what Leslie calls an inner story. This intrigued me so I signed up for her four-week Zoom class based on her book, "Your Story Matters". I know this class will show me how to maneuver around blockages and clear a path to write my inner story.

If I write from my point of view and memory, there is bound to be some hurt and anger. But also some understanding.
"That's certainly not the way I remember how that happened, Mom," I can just hear my child say! 
"I can't believe you wrote about those failures in my life. I never knew you felt so embarrassed about what happened," exclaims my other child!
"You shouldn't blame yourself so much for the situations I got myself into," I can hear my empathetic child tell me.

These concerns about offending my family bump around in my brain in the early morning hours when I can't sleep. Jade, our Corgi, comforts me with her presence at 2am or 3am, as long as she gets a middle of the night snack! I join Jade with a people snack and wait for the dawn. For now, I keep writing most days. I will get there. God is faithful when I am not!

Nancy B
and Jade the napping, snack queen!

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